An understanding of what pollen is, how it forms, and how it behaves is a useful insight into identification and recognition of pollen. See here for Pollen facts.
Below is a photographic listing of the genera of wild plants represented by pollen either in West Cork or in previous post glacial pollen analyses in Ireland. These are marked 'late Midlandian', the name given in Ireland to the last glacial period from about 24,000 years ago. The list of plants shown here marked as such are taken from analyses of sediment from significant bogs in counties Dublin, Meath and Louth. The genera shown are those that are detected in sediments as partially fossilised pollen - this is not a comprehensive list of all plants found in West Crok, either today or in the past. But the plants represented by the pollen we find in sediment give us a good idea of the environment at the time that sediment was deposited. According to the presence or absence of pollen at different levels in the core, we can see how the vegetation, and thus the environment, changed.
To see more detailed photos of pollen for a genus, either click on the image below, or select that genus from the list under the 'Pollen' tab on the right.
Acer - most commonly seen is the Sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus but it is not considered to be native. Our native acer is the hedge maple, Acer campestris. This is a small tree of woodland edges, clearings and hedgerows.
Achillea_type - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Ajuga - to be completed.
Alnus - our native Alder Alnus glutinosa is a commonly occurring tree in wet places. In modern times it is being added to by the Italian alder in, and fringing, plantations
Arbutus - the Killarney Strawberry tree Arbutus unedo is related closely to the heathers and to bilberry and cranberry, a member fo the Ericaceae. The tree is unusual in that the flowerbuds, flowers, and fruit, often all appear on the tree at the same time. Arbutus prefers damp and acidic locations, but will soon die out if shded, so is not a woodland tree.
Armeria - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Artemisia - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Asteraceae - to be completed.
Astragalus_alpinus_type - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Betula - late Midlandian flora Betula pubescens, Betula pendula occur in Ireland, the former (Downy Birch) being more tolerant of wetter soils. The latter (Silver Birch) is more likely to be found on drier and even sandy soils. The Dwarf Birch Betula nana is a classic early tree of tundra and cold open lands, but is not now found in Ireland. Birch trees do not tolerate shade, but they allow grass and herbs to grwo under their shade due to their leaf cover not being dense enough to exclude light.
Botrychium - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Campanula - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Carex - to be completed.
Carpinus - the Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus, not generally considered to be native to Ireland.
Caryophyllaceae - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Ceratophyllum_leaf_hairs - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
cf._Elatine - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
cf._Lotus - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Chenopodiaceae - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Cirsium_type - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Corylus - late Midlandian flora - Corylus avellana, the Hazel, is a commonly occurring tree native to Ireland. It is well known for forming understorey and fringes to woodlands as well as shrubby areas.
Cratagus - Cratagus monogyna is our common Hawthorn, or someimes called Whitethorn (in contrast to the Blackthorn (Prunus see below).
Cruciferae - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Cyperaceae - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Cystopteris - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Dryas - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Dryopteris_filix-mas_type - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Empetrum - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Ephedra_distachya - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Epilobium - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Equisetum - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Fagus - the Beech - Fagus sylvatica - is a large tree - but it is possibly not native to Ireland. Young Beech trees are very tolerant of shade, even growing beneath heavily overshadowing foliage like yew trees.
Filipendula - late Midlandian flora - Filipendula ulmaria known widely as Meadowsweet.
Fraxinus - the Ash tree - Fraxinus excelsior. Ash trees require plenty of light when young. The mature trees can be very large and tall.
Galium - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Graminae - late Midlandian flora - this is the older term for grasses which is used more often now to refer to cultivated grains, the larger monoporate pollen grains. Grass pollen is classified now as Poaceae (see below)
Helianthemum - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Hippophae - late Midlandian flora Hippophae is represented by the Sea Buckthorn.
Ilex - to be completed.
Jasione - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Juniperus - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Koenigia - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Larix - to be completed.
Liguliflorae - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Linum - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Littorella - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Lycopodium_alpinum - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Lycopodium_selago - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Mentha_type - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Menyanthes - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Myrica - to be completed.
Myriophyllum_alterniflorum - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Myriophyllum_spicatum - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Ononis_type - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Ophioglossum - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Picea - to be completed.
Pinus - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Plantago - to be completed.
Plantago_major_type - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Plantago_maritima - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Poaceae - to be completed.
Polygonum_amphibium - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Polygonum_persicaria - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Polygonum_viviparum - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Polypodium - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Populus - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Potamogeton - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Potentilla - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Prunus - to be completed.
Quercus - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Ranunculus - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Rosaceae - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Rumex_type - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Salix - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Sanguisorba_officinalis - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Saxifraga_aizoides - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Saxifraga_hypnoides_type - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Saxifraga_oppositifolia - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Scrophulariaceae - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Sedum_rosea - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Selaginella - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Sparganium_type - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Taraxacum - to be completed.
Taxus - to be completed.
Thalictrum - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Trifolium - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Tripleurospermum - to be completed.
Tubulliflorae - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Typha_latifolia - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Ulex - to be completed.
Ulmus - to be completed.
Umbelliferae - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Unidentified - to be completed.
Urtica - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Viburnum - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
Vicia_type - late Midlandian flora to be completed.
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